Happenings Archives - Lafritude http://lafritude.com Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine Mon, 06 Jul 2020 23:03:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.6.13 http://lafritude.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/cropped-Lafritude_logo_website-1-32x32.png Happenings Archives - Lafritude http://lafritude.com 32 32 Staying cold-free this winter http://lafritude.com/?p=358 Mon, 12 Nov 2018 23:09:40 +0000 http://maischna.de/?p=358 Did you know that, having a cold is the most common illness among humans? It does not necessarily occur as a result of wet hair, stress, cold feet or bad weather. The fact of the matter is that anyone can catch a cold, especially when the immune system is weak. Remember, there’s a difference between a cold and the flu. The flu lasts longer than a cold and can have

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Der Smoothie- Das ‘IT’ Getränk Von Heute http://lafritude.com/?p=1773 Fri, 15 Jun 2018 10:18:23 +0000 http://maischna.de/?p=1773 Der Smoothie – gesund, superlecker, kalorienarm – perfekt zum Genießen und dennoch Abnehmen!   Grüne smoothies wurden von der gebürtigen Russin Victoria Boutenko entdeckt, die heute mit ihrer Familie in den USA lebt. Sie sind DIE perfekte Mahlzeit für moderne Menschen, denen ihre Gesundheit wichtig ist. Mit grünen Smoothies macht gesunde Ernährung unglaublich viel Spass. Die grünen Mixgetränke aus Früchten, grünem Blattgemüse und Wasser schmecken köstlich, und liefern hochkonzentrierte Vital-

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What You Eat Is Who You Are http://lafritude.com/?p=2319 Sun, 03 Jun 2018 12:11:55 +0000 http://maischna.de/?p=2319 Why eating healthy on daily basis is very important. The shape of our health can be influenced by our eating habbits and lifestyle, thus our health our choice. Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy. These foods include fresh fruit and vegetables, protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals. Healthy Eating is important for everyone. When combined

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SELF FINDING IN THE NEVER ENDING HAIR- Revolution http://lafritude.com/?p=1747 Sat, 03 Mar 2018 13:54:32 +0000 http://maischna.de/?p=1747 Black/African women, their hair and skin colour have been the most affected victims of white beauty standards. White bias about black women’s hair and skin colour reinforce the western perceptions that only straight silky hair and light skin are beautiful. Hair straightening and skin lightening products that are rigorously marketed to African/black women strongly reinforce the belief that hair cannot look so beautiful unless it looks straight and long. I

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