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Meet Adebayo Ogunlesi.

Adebayo Ogunlesi from Nigeria has acquired the London Gatwick Airport as the new owner. Adebayo Ogunlesi, 56, is the chairman and managing partner, Global agreement with BAA Airports Limited. Adebayo Ogunlesi, 56, is the chairman and managing partner, Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), an independent investment fund based in New York City with worldwide stake in infrastructure assets, is the new owner of the London Gatwick Airport. Ogunlesi attended the prestigious. King’s College, Lagos. He

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Founder and Chairman of Africa 2.0

Mamadou Toure is the founder and Chairman of Africa 2.0, an initiative-driven advocacy group that brings together emerging leaders representing African countries and the diaspora, who share a common vision of the continent’s future. In 3 years of existence Africa 2.0 has already grown into an organization with a global footprint in 26 countries and rallied some of the most influential continental and global leaders. As the Managing Director with General Electric (GE) Africa, Toure currently leads a regional Investments and

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Seum Kuti at the Club Bahnhof Ehrendfeld in Cologne.

I felt so much at home standing infront of Oluseum Anikulapo Kuti last Monday 7th of April 2014 at the “Club Bahnhof Ehrendfeld” (CBE) in Cologne and hearing  him sing “black woman” I was so thrilled by the lyrics because I could relate to the message, black woman, afro hair, strong woman, etc.. I personally felt he was singing about me. Seum Kuti as he is commonly known was born

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The man behind Savvy Contemporary: meet Dr. Bonaventure Ndikung!

If you do appreciate art then Savvy Contemporary will definitely ring a bell.  Savvy Contemporary is a non-profit art space located in Berlin Neu Köln,  a laboratory for conceptual, intellectual, and artistic production and exchange that takes up the challenge of investigating the ‘threshold’ between, as well as critically reflecting on and questioning discourses around »Western art« and »non-Western art«.  In this regard, SAVVY Contemporary is a fertile ground for

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