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When Distinction Becomes The Norm- See Neotia Berlin At The fashNet Event

At times we need to think out of the box to aknowledge the art and beauty behind certain designs and labels. Noetia Berlin is one of those rare labels. They do not design for the conservative. Their designs are for  self-confident persons who will rather stand out of the crowd than belong to the crowd. Take a look at the distinctive pieces presented by designers Anna Franziska Michel and Rio

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The Amazing FashNet Debut In Berlin

Fashion, Networking and Entertainment are the key words to associate with FashNet.  An exclusive event, first of its kind, that took place last friday July 10th in Haus Ungarn Berlin-Germany by Maischna Magazine and Coko Diamond. “The vision with this baby is to offer a platform to both old new  artists from the fashion and entertainment industry to expose their talents twice every  year at the backdrop of the Berlin

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Designs That Tell Stories By “NOETIA BERLIN”

NOETIA BERLIN counts amongst the designers that will feature at the fashNet Event this July 10th 2015. About the Designer: Anna Franziska Michel studied art pedagogy and intensified her artistic inclination with several foreign semestres in the Vitorian college of the Arts in Melbourne (Australia) and in the Facultad de Bellas Artes in Barcelona (Spain). She continued her vision with the study of fashion design in HTW Berlin and UPM

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From Casual Friday To The Oscars With Famous Fashion Blogger Folake Kuye Huntoon

I really wonder if there is anything she can’t wear with that perfectly toned body and shape.  Folake Kuye Huntoon is one of the most famous fashion bloggers of our time. (Chictopia Influential Blogger of the Year, 2011). She is also the one who runs the website called Style Pantry. She wears thesame hairstyle which to me is what makes her unique. She has this refined feminine look, coupled with

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