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Make up brands for black skin

Here is a list of make up brands for the Black Queen!   Fashion Fair One of the largest Black-owned cosmetics company in the world began when Mrs Johnson, the creator, noticed models, in the Ebony Fashion Fair show were mixing foundations to create the right blend to match their skin tones. She then created a line to meet the specific needs of Black women.   Black Opal Black Opal

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The message behind Genda’s “Different Faces”.

A soulful female voice opens Genda’s album  Follow My Footsteps: “different people in different places / live the same life with different faces.” The lines give the listener a taste of what awaits them if they allow themselves to embrace the concept behind the music, the idea of sameness in spite of difference, morality and acceptance.  No matter the languages we speak or the colour of our skin, we are

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Missing black role models in Germany

Children need role models as a source of inspiration. It is even better when this role model is a reflection of whom one is. In a country like Germany where black people are a minority you will hardly to see or hear about influencial black people over the  main stream media. There are so many educated, successful and smart Africans living and working in Germany for example; great medical doctors,

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Wunderkind und Soulsänger, CHIMA.

Chima Onyele ist als Kind nigerianischer Eltern in Mainhattan, Frankfurt a. M, aufgewachsen, und beginnt nach seinem Abitur ein geisteswissenschaftliches Studium, bevor er sich ganz seiner Musik widmete. Der Rapper macht schon mit seiner Beteiligung am Brothers Keepers-Projekt von sich reden. Als Afro-Deutscher hat Chima das Gefühl, wegen seiner Hautfarbe anders behandelt zu werden, schon am eigenen Leib erfahren. Wohl aufgrund dessen lag es Chima am Herzen, mit Brothers Keepers

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