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Taibo Bacar one of Africa’s best designers of 2013.

TAIBO BACAR The 28 year old Mozambican native is the quintessence of quality designing. His latest collection ‘Capulana’ has gotten a lot of attention from the fashion industry both home and abroad. His impeccable use of African fabric is exquisite and the quality of the finished clothes is impeccable. Over the past couple of years the African fabric industry has seen resurgence in the use of African fabric and Taibo

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Follow My Footsteps: latest album from singer/songwriter, Genda/Ahmed Nyei

Musician Genda invites you to follow his footsteps in his latest album. Born in Cairo, Egypt to Liberian parents, Ahmed Nyei and Genda are two sides of the same story, told through poetical lyrics and an endearing down-to-earth style – on and off the stage.  For more about his musical style, the importance of family and his life philosophy watch an interview Maischna did with him early in 2013. You can also listen in to

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Abschied von Mandela

Er war Afrikas Freiheitsheld und Südafrikas erster schwarzer Präsident. Für seinen Kampf gegen die Rassentrennung saß Nelson Mandela 27 Jahre lang im Gefängnis. Nun ist der 95-Jährige an den Folgen einer Lungenentzündung gestorben.  Der 95-Jährige sei am Donnerstag gestorben, sagte Südafrikas Präsident Jacob Zuma in Johannesburg in einer landesweit übertragenen Fernsehsendung. “Unsere Nation hat ihren größten Sohn verloren”, betonte Zuma. Er sei friedlich dahingeschieden. “Nelson Mandela brachte uns zusammen und

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African fabrics can do!

African-inspired fabric has been in the market for so many years but judging from different magazines and fashion blogs, never has it been so present and used in so many different ways as is being done in contemporary fashion. From ‘Ankara’ prints in Nigeria, wax, super wax, java, ‘Dutch wax’ in Ghana, ‘Kanga prints’ in Tanzania and to other East African countries, Ikat, Batik, mud cloth and so on, this is a colourful fabric with a lot of

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