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Women and shopping…

Women will spend more than eight years of their lives shopping, says a study.  While keeping their families fed and clothed -and indulging in a little retail therapy – the average woman will shop for an astonishing 25,184 hours and 53 minutes over a period of 63 years.  If the average expedition lasted the length of a full working day – from 9am to 5pm – that would be 3,148

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Vlisco for you!

High quality African wax print fabrics. These fabrics are perfect to create your own trendy fashion! 100% Graded Cotton, with Double-sided African print. Original Vlisco Hollandais & Java wax, Julius Holland, Mitex Holland.

Afrika 3.0 Fachtagung Mediale Abbilder und Zerrbilder eines Kontinents

Dieses Wochenende, 21.06.2013, fand eine Fachtagung zu Afrika und das verzerrte Bild, das noch immer und auch gerne von den westlichen Medien verwendet wird. Die Veranstaltung wurde von Africa Positive e.V. und dem Erich-Brost-Institut für internationalen Journalismus organisiert. Die Eröffung der Tagung wurde von folgenden Personen eingeleitet: Vorsitzende/Chefredakteurin von Africa Positive e.V. Veye Tatah, Prof.Dr. Susanne Fengler vom Erich-Brost-Institut für Internationalen Journalismus der TU Dortmund, Prof. Markus Behmer vom Institut

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DEWAN APPAREL: Dare to be Unique!

DEWAN APPAREL is a new name to look out for in the world of design. Created by Nigerian-born, and of all things – Engineering student – Chidera Chime, DEWAN is about allowing individuals to remain unique in their personal style and tastes with a twist of Afro-centric flair. And this time, DEWAN does not leave the guys feeling left out. Chidera was born in Lagos in the late 1980s where

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