
Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine

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Website launch and more Afropolitan Fashion at the African Fashion Day Berlin last Week.

Africa Fashion Day Berlin celebrated its one-year anniversary on Friday the 17th of January 2014 at the Mani Restaurant, Torstrasse 136, Berlin 10119, Germany. Guests experienced a surprise to their night with Dancer Mwenda performing her mesmerizing choreography “South Afro Fusion”. Founder of Apya Productions and the Africa Fashion Day Berlin Beatrace Oola welcomed guests to this intimate and exclusive dining experience. Amongst dinners were selectively invited press, Ambassadors as

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Missing black role models in Germany

Children need role models as a source of inspiration. It is even better when this role model is a reflection of whom one is. In a country like Germany where black people are a minority you will hardly to see or hear about influencial black people over the  main stream media. There are so many educated, successful and smart Africans living and working in Germany for example; great medical doctors,

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Wunderkind und Soulsänger, CHIMA.

Chima Onyele ist als Kind nigerianischer Eltern in Mainhattan, Frankfurt a. M, aufgewachsen, und beginnt nach seinem Abitur ein geisteswissenschaftliches Studium, bevor er sich ganz seiner Musik widmete. Der Rapper macht schon mit seiner Beteiligung am Brothers Keepers-Projekt von sich reden. Als Afro-Deutscher hat Chima das Gefühl, wegen seiner Hautfarbe anders behandelt zu werden, schon am eigenen Leib erfahren. Wohl aufgrund dessen lag es Chima am Herzen, mit Brothers Keepers

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Taibo Bacar one of Africa’s best designers of 2013.

TAIBO BACAR The 28 year old Mozambican native is the quintessence of quality designing. His latest collection ‘Capulana’ has gotten a lot of attention from the fashion industry both home and abroad. His impeccable use of African fabric is exquisite and the quality of the finished clothes is impeccable. Over the past couple of years the African fabric industry has seen resurgence in the use of African fabric and Taibo

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