
Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine

Category Fashion

Human Hair vs. Synthetic Hair

Perücken können aus  menschlichem Haar (Human Hair) oder synthetisches Haar (Synthetic Hair)  gemacht werden.  Human Hair, bieten das natürlichste Aussehen und Gefühl. Es ist bemerkenswert weich mit einem Glanz und einer Bewegung, die in Synthetic Hair nicht zu bemerken sind. Es ist auch extrem vielseitig. Human Haar kann nach Geschmack geschnitten und gestylt werden. Und obwohl es mit der richtigen Pflege teurer werden kann, ist es haltbarer und kann über

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The FashNet 2018 Runway and Awards Show

 FashNet is a unique fashion and entertainment event bringing together talented emerging fashion artists from within the fashion industry to a spectacular high-end fashion show. It was created to provide a fashion networking platform for ambitious uprising Fashion Artists (stylists, models, designers, make-up artist, photographers, entertainers and many more) to expose their talents and enhance their visibility to an audience of fashion forward men and women, boutique buyers, celebrity stylists

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Twins That Rule Fashion Blogsphere

Gone are the days we use to focus on the Olsen twins. Here comes a new generation of sibling pairs who are bringing their own vision to the world of African -influenced fashion. According to Huffingtonpost ‘You may not know their names yet, but it won’t be long until you do, because these young people are talented and creative. They are twins, of African descent, bloggers for the most part,

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Black/African women, their hair and skin colour have been the most affected victims of white beauty standards. White bias about black women’s hair and skin colour reinforce the western perceptions that only straight silky hair and light skin are beautiful. Hair straightening and skin lightening products that are rigorously marketed to African/black women strongly reinforce the belief that hair cannot look so beautiful unless it looks straight and long. I

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