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Tag Kamerun

Ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit ist eine Noble Aufgabe

Der Deutsch-Kamerunischen Ärzteforum CAMFOMEDICS e.V. feiert 20 jähriges Jubiläum. Am 18.10.2014 feierte CAMFOMEDICS e.V 20-jähriges Jubiläum im Atlantic Congress Hotel, Essen-Deutschland. Der Verein wurde am 7. Mai 1994 von flussreichen  renommierten kamerunischen Studenten der Medizin und Pharmazie in Gießen gegründet. Die vielfältigen Ziele des Vereins gehen von Aufklärungskampagne und Interessenvertretung rund um das Studium und Integration in Deutschland bis zur Verbesserung des medizinischen Versorgung und Vorsorge in Kamerun herum. Darum

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Germany gets a tough try with Cameroon’s indomitable lions.

  A big shout out to the Cameroonian fans who came out to Mönchengladbach to give their national team all the full support. I could see the goose bumps all over my body while they gloriously sang their national anthem again and again. Germany controlled the first half and missed a number of clear chances to open the scoring, with Mesut Özil putting the ball wide with only the goalkeeper

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German-Cameroon Veteran Football Game at the Borussia Hockeypark.

What happens when a professional football career is over? This is a question professional football players have to answer at the peak of their careers. I got to meet Mr. Yombi Alphonse  at the Borussia Hockeypark on  the 1st of June during a friendly match between, German and Cameroonian veterans which he organised. Mr Alphonse Yombi is an ex-professional Cameroonian football player who was member of the national team at

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