
Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine

Is Being Well-Endowed A Blessing Or A Curse?

Gender dangerGrowing up in Cameroon, I observed how uneasy  life could be for a well-endowed pubescent girl. A fast developping pubescent girl was considered as a sex object, a victim of sexual abuse or even rape. I remember in bording school some girls with big breast were so ashamed of their nakedness, that they could not afford to shower in the presence of other girls.  I also remember how boys will laugh and comment or even boo at a  girl who was well-endowed. The curse as far as I can remember, is the fact that some mothers actually encouraged or took part in the breast ironing of their pubescent girls. Breast ironing is the pounding and massaging of a pubescent girl’s breasts, using hard or heated objects to try to make them stop developping or disappear. So instead of eduating children about adolescence, some parents thought in was easier to stop adolescence, what a tragedy as you can see in the videos.




Now being well-endowed is  compared to having assets. When Jennifer Lopez (according to the media) got her butt insured, big butt suddenly became cool. I remember Kim Kardashian’s revealing photo shoot with paper magazine, everyone was talking about. Luckily enough she did not break the net. Tables seem to have turned around in my eyes, being curvacious and well-endowed is cool and  sexy. Women pay for breast inplants, why cup ‘A’ when I can buy cup ‘D’? What a paradox, in some parts of the world, mothers mutilate their duaghters in an attempt to protect them from rape, in some other parts of the world women buy inplants because their breast or butt are not big and sexy enough.

How cool are big breast and butt? Is it cool when you (female) are trying to have a serious conversation with a male person and realise his focus is somewhere else? Is it cool when people give you nick names because of the your curves? African women are heavily endowed than any other race in the world, please correct me if my assumption is wrong. When I go shopping with my white girl friend Tina,  she comes out happier after just a short period of time than me. Is it cool not to be able to find the right bra or jeans that fits your body? Society tells us how sexy or not sexy we are suppose to look, society tells us we are victims of sexual abuse because of our bodies, society..society…what about what women feel and have to go through in life just because they are female? Don’t we already have enough to deal with? What happens to our self-confidence when we let people decide how we have to look and behave.




