The 2014 Cartier Women’s Initiative Award Goes To…
One of the most prestigious women’s business awards (The Catier Women’s Iniative) were announced this October at the Annual Global Meeting of the Women’s Forum in Deauville, France.
The Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards aims to identify and support women entrepreneurs in the start-up phase through funding and coaching, to foster the spirit of enterprise by celebrating role models in entrepreneurship, and to create an international network of women entrepreneurs and support.
Each year, six entrepreneurs, each representing a region in the world (Latin America, North America, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East & North Africa, and Asia-Pacific), are chosen from 18 finalists who are coached before their final presentations. Their businesses are then judged for their creativity, financial sustainability, impact, and overall quality.
The six Laureates each win $20,000, the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards trophy, coaching for one year, and networking and visibility opportunities.
At this year’s competition, 3 finalists came from Africa.
- Amy de Castro of South Africa (BAMBOO REVOLUTION, Bamboo watch designs)
- Achenyo Idachaba of Nigeria (MITIMETH, homewear and accessories woven from aquatic weeds)
- Winnifred Selby of Ghana (AFROCENTRIC BAMBOO, bicycles made with bamboo frames).
Achenyo Idachaba from Sub-Saharan Africa won the Award for Africa.
For more information, go to the website
Photography: Etienne Jeanneret-ABACA