
Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine

African Ivory Celebrates Women’s Day This Year Under The Motto “Equality For Women Is Progress For All”

Mrs. Delphine Mukete Founder of African Ivory and Event Organiser

Mrs. Delphine Mukete Founder of African Ivory and Event Organiser

Under the theme “Equality for women is progress for all,” the African Ivory Association organised an event on the 7th of march in honour of the annual International Women’s Day. The event brought together men and women, young and old in Essen, Germany to celebrate and honour women who continue to  initiate change in their communities, explained Mrs Delphine Mukete founder of African Ivory and event organiser.

Mrs Edith Enowbi moderator of the eventMrs Edith Enowbi was the day’s moderator. She did not only promised us a wonderful event but turned out to be quite the motivational speaker as well, leaving the audience head-nodding and emotional as she stressed the uniqueness in every woman and her place in the society. ‘Education does not end with holding a PHD degree she intoned, ‘women have to work together, we have to use our special skills to make things happen. Throughout the evening as the various speakers shared their gems of knowledge, key words like collaboration, empowerment, leadership, togetherness and integration came up repeatedly. Mrs Miranda Oben in her presentation outlined in detail the challenges which our women still face today. These could be anything from the reconcilation of work and family life to other issues women deal with daily such as insecurity, violence, poverty, poor access to basic health care and so on. Mrs Oben did not stop at listing the hurdles however – she also offered what she felt to be some solutions to such challenges.


Miranda ObenDr. Robert Okongwu (Nigerian, Essen) Founder of African Catholic Community

The eventful day in Essen progressed with further topics of interest including a presentation by Dr. Robert Okongwu on reasons for African migration to Germany and the meaning of integration in the society. Henriette Kaddu Knabe of IWPG went on to speak on the importance of peace for social progress and Sr Janet Anyim highlighted on how women can be, and are, role models. Later, in the Q&A session, Dr Yvette Kibuh followed on her interesting presentation on fibroids with an impromptu consultation on this uterine illness. As the evening drew to an end, two outstanding women and philantropists were honoured for their achievments in the NRW region. The evening was graced by traditional dances from Brazil, Nigeria, and Bamenda. Not forgetting the most important people in the world, namely our children, who enjoyed their own dance moment doing the ngamna style and left the event with lots of presents and smiles on their faces.

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Nigerian traditional dance group 1902991_384884598358010_562213205246963797_n - Kopie

Maischna with Samba      Buffet IWD





